I'm having major stamping withdrawals. I haven't been able to stamp for several days. I'd normally be okay with that except the reason why I haven't been able to stamp has either been a sick kid or too much work....neither of which are much fun! I even made it to the LSS this week and got a few things and I haven't even been able to play with it : (.
I guess you are stuck with a few more kid pictures until I get time to play! These were taken the same day as the header... I think they are almost as cute!

p.s. yes....I really posted this at 3 a.m... I told you I had too much work!

OMG, I LOVE your new header!!!!!!! It is Awesome!!!
I LOVE your new header, and the other picts. are darn cute too!!!
Love the new header and of course the other pictures are great too. Such cute kids you have, and they don't seem to be shy of the camera, they must have got that from their dad.....
I LOVE your new header!!
And these three "projects" of yours are the cutest things you've ever made!!!
~Hugs, Deb
I LOVE the header!! That's an awesome picture!
Congrats on your new look header! Looks fab! Really like the personal touch. (Memo to self - that I need to personalise my own.)
Hey, where is the picture of Mark and Krista?
I LOVE the photo of your kids! Adorable.
Jessica Lynn
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